Thursday, May 3, 2012


These are the drawings I came home with after working outside - or at least in public ;) - last week :D

This was lunch on the 26th, on an art date with a friend :) We did lots of walking and talking, and we even managed to draw some :) Lovely day!!

Another art date on Saturday, with a friend in Gouda, to make up for the missed Sketchcrawl the week before :) We sat on a park bench in the garden of a museum, surrounded by beautiful old buildings - but I ended up challenging myself with angles again. I figure the only way to get better is to keep trying ;)

On the way back from Gouda, we ended up in a traffic jam because of road works. And I decided to take out my sketchbook :D I'm really starting to dig the idea of bringing it everywhere :D

And here's my lovely boy. His back, anyway ;) I am having such a hard time with realistic faces... I maimed him in the drawing I did before (which I tore out of my sketchbook, totally going against principles. It really was that bad!). But then I was struck with the brilliant idea that I could focus on his cute little backside ;) The pockets on this pair of jeans are stitched low - just so you know - that wasn't me missing the truth again ;)

That last drawing, on Queen's Day (celebrating the Dutch Queen's BD, fleamarkets everywhere and people wearing lots of orange)? I did it in the park, on the playground, sat on a bench, surrounded by throngs of people! I'm definitely getting braver, and I'm really starting to love just going with the flow! Sure, I hesitated, but I did it, anyway :D

When last did you do something anyway? I'd love to hear :)


  1. Don't worry about realistic! your drawings are beautiful

  2. Oh, I love these! You are such an inspiration. I love the picture of your lovely boy :)

  3. You are SO brave! Taking your sketchbook everywhere and then also taking it out of your bag every now and then is a great way to draw more often! These are all so good, and I agree with Ayala, don't worry too much about realistic, because you have such a wonderful style.
    Choosing for focussing on the back of your boy was a smart decision. The result is wonderful. And drawing faces may be gard, but drawing the face of a beloved one is the hardest thing to do! Even though you know that face (or maybe because of that) very well, it seems almost impossible to put it in paper... just so you know :)

  4. I love the heart on your boys jacket! Drawing in public is a most wonderful thing to do, Channel the energy of the day, the excitement and thrill. It will forever be with you when you look at those drawings again. Plus it will inspire others to have a go. Love all you snapshots. If you wanted realistic, you can use a camera. These are far more fun. :)

  5. Yes, do keep going! I love your lettering, too.

  6. This brings back beautiful memories for me: My mom, my creative soul partner, bless her heart, ALWAYS carried a sketchbook and a camera. If she wasn't sketching in her journal, she was writing or taking pictures...constantly observing the world...constantly learning and subsequently constantly teaching. It was such a beautiful part of her and allowed her to grow exponentially. It allowed the beauty of her soul to spill all over us...a true gift. She believed in it so much that she created spiral bound notebooks for my children and me and anyone who wanted one so she could encourage the process. I try to carry a sketchbook always although I'm not consistent but my goal is to one day have it be as much a part of me as my arms and legs are because I saw it first hand how much it does for one's soul. This is a great practice! and when a day doesn't go so well and you end up in traffic or unexpectedly waiting for your car to get serviced or you spontaneously decide to pull over and hang out somewhere peaceful, you have your sketchbook and you can use that time to allow your soul to emerge a little bit more.

  7. Yay for you! Very brave! I love the highway sketch the best. (Although Isaak is a close second!)

  8. Postcards, Yvonne! Postcards!! I love your drawing style. What a wonderful, colorful way to chronicle your life. Make sure you keep them all - one day Isaak will flip through these and smile, smile, smile - at his life as a little boy, at his mother's love and talent. xo

  9. These pages are fantastic! I love the one of your son, how sweet:)
    Your handwriting is wonderful too! Keep up this good work!


Thanks for letting me in on your thoughts!